Friday, May 31, 2013

Static Electricity

                                            Static electricity
1.    What  do you understand by static electricity?
2.    Give two examples each of conductors, insulators and semiconductors?
3.    What is the S.I unit of charge?
4.    State two ways of charging a conductor?
5.    What would happen when charged rod is brought near the cap of positively charged gold leaf electroscope. Why?
6.    How is sparking caused?
7.    What is lightning conductor?
8.    You are provided with negatively charged gold leaf electroscope. State and Explain what happens when
a)    A glass rod rubbed with silk cloth is brought near the cap.
b)    An ebonite rod rubbed with fur is brought near the cap
c)    A glass rod rubbed with silk cloth is touched to the cap.
d)    An ebonite rod rubbed with fur is touched to the cap.
9.    What is the value of 1 coloumb?
10.    Explain electric  induction on the basis of electron movement?

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